The Boundless Scholarship provides support for any Center for International Studies undergraduate or graduate students (majors, minors, certificates as well as Global Leadership Center students) pursuing a variety of study away experiences, including domestic and international study away programs, student exchanges, internships, volunteer opportunities and research.
"You have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me."
Kaylyn Temple Global Studies – Europe major and recipient of Boundless Scholarship |
"Kaylyn was ready and eager for expanding her international networks and friendships through participating in a semester of study abroad in Sevilla, Spain. She had also distinguished herself as a student leader on campus. I am impressed with her ability to balance a full schedule of coursework with campus leadership, involvement, community service, and fitness. The Boundless Scholarship allowed her to go abroad and complete a core requirement for Global Studies and Spanish majors."
Catherine Cutcher, Assistant Director, Global Studies Program Recommended Kaylyn for the scholarship "Boundless helps break down barriers for students by providing scholarships for a variety of global experiences, including many that historically have not been supported."
Catherine Marshall, Director, The Office of Global Opportunities |
"The knowledge and experiences that study away programs provide to Ohio University students are boundless, and this scholarship provides extra support to our Center for International Studies students in order to make their journey a global one."
Lorna Jean Edmonds, MHA, PhD
Director, Center for International Studies
Vice Provost for Global Affairs and International Studies
Lorna Jean Edmonds, MHA, PhD
Director, Center for International Studies
Vice Provost for Global Affairs and International Studies
To learn more about the Boundless Scholarship and other wonderful opportunities offered through theCenter for International Studies, visit the website at